sugar free Rhubarb cake | sugar free Rhubarb cake

Rhubarb always reminds me of the sugary rhubarb compote my mom used to make us as a kid. As we kind of banned sugar from our kitchen, I wondered what to make of these beautiful rhubarb stalks: | sugar free Rhubarb cake

On Instagram, Jessica suggested to use agave syrup in stead of sugar, which worked like a charm. Just add some agave syrup and sucralose (50/50) and 2 teaspoons of vanilla extract to the chopped rhubarb and stir on a low fire for 15 minutes. | sugar free Rhubarb cake

In the meantime I prepared a simple dough: 200gr self-rising flour, 100gr butter, 2 eggs, a bit of sucralose and vanilla extract. By the time the dough was ready, the rhubarb looked pink and creamy: | sugar free Rhubarb cake

I added 80% of the rhubarb to the dough mixture and baked 2 flat cakes in 15 minutes at 180°C. The last bit of rhubarb was used as a topping: | sugar free Rhubarb cake

And actually, I was surprised by how nice and sweet it tasted. Not bad at all for a non bakerella 😉 I added a Union Jack on top, because when you read this I'll be in a Eurostar between Paris and London to attend Blogtacular. It has been over 2 years since my last visit and I can't wait!
See you next week… and bon appétit! | sugar free Rhubarb cake

6 thoughts on “sugar free Rhubarb cake

  1. Funny, I saw the union jack and thought it was perfectly fitting – I always associate rhubarb with my Dad who comes from England. Rhubarb always makes the best tarts and good to know you don't need sugar. Have fun at Blogtacular, I've been following the tweets and it looks like Oh Joy's key note speech was brilliant. M xx

    1. Oh really, that's a nice association to think of your dad! I was truly surprised by not needing any sugar for rhubarb, but very glad it worked, because it's so delicious! Yes, Joh Cho's keynote was really good! She's so gracious and kind in person and also very very clever and willing to share her knowledge. And the good thing is you'll be able to see it online soon thanks to Mailchimp! For all the other video's it may be worth to get yourself a virtual ticket to Blogtacular. Enjoy your Friday! xx

    1. Thanks! It was really nice to see her (and Ella and Mr Love) again! Ella is getting SO big that she impressed our cats ;) very adorable. Hope you had a great weekend! xx

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