My jungle buddy Igor and I decided to start this new Urban Jungle Bloggers year with a lot of fresh #urbanjungle inspiration from around the web. So today we share the best pinners, instagrammers, and bloggers that will quench our everlasting thirst for green inspiration! I hope you'll share your favorites in the comments
► my Pinterest faves:
Blooming & Growing board by Gudy Herder (from Eclectic Trends)
Queen of the Junglalow Justina Blakeney's Jungalow board
Floral board by Tahiana Andriamanjay from Le Blog d'Olive
And secretly I'm a little bit in love with our Urban Jungle Bloggers Pinterest board ♥
► my favorite green IGers:
Tawwni pure succulent love!
And Needles and Leaves for more succulent love
Urban Gardeners Republic is a community of creative gardeners
Succulove what's in a name?
Labofem plant workshop from Turkey
► my favorite green bloggers:
Growing with Plants by Matt Mattus, lots of hands-on tips from a horticulturist
Needles and Leaves by Tawni, beautiful
Coffeeklatch by talented duo Magali and Bart, they don't particularly blog about greens, but the interiors they shoot reveal lots of green beauty
This blogpost by Gwen from The Makerista
And this pretty one by Irene from Bloesem
► And if you're looking for more (offline) inspiration I can highly recommend The Plant. It's a very cool creative magazine, with art, graphic design and portraits of plant enthusiasts.
► Still not enough inspiration? Check out what Ana, Yvonne, Jennifer, Stefania, Debora, Marloes, Corinne and Nina have in store for you!
Urban Jungle Bloggers is a monthly series initiated by 2 bloggers: Igor (Happy Interior Blog) and Judith ( Every month we share ideas to create an urban jungle through styling ideas, DIYs and green tips & tricks. You can find additional inspiration on our Urban Jungle Bloggers Pinterest board. Want to join? Use #urbanjungle on twitter and instagram. Or let us know and we'll send you a mini-kit with all details. Let's bring some green into our homes and blogs!
image credits: 1 /// 2 Tawwni /// 3 Petra Bindel /// 4 April and May /// 5+6 /// 7 @funderagront /// 8 Needles+Leaves /// 9 Weekday Carnival /// 10-13 The Plant
Wooohoo! I love it! There is so much to discover here – many of these I didn't know! Thanks Judith!!
Oh yeah, there's enough inspiration to blog the entire year! :)
ah wat een heerlijke inspiratie! alle plantjes die ik heb gekocht twee weken geleden doen het nog en wachten keurig af tot ik mijn kamer kan en ze hun definitieve plek krijgen! Was pinterest al aan het afstruinen naar inspiratie voor groen in mijn badkamer, ben alleen bang dat de vochtigheid te hoog is voor ze, heb namelijk niet echt optimale ventilatie.. haha!
Wat een enthousiasme, Marloes! Gezellig :) Misschien is een varen iets voor in je badkamer? Die kunnen tegen vocht, althans een aantal soorten, hebben niet veel licht nodig en hebben een mooie frisse kleur. Veel succes en dankjewel dat je ook je inspiratie deelde vandaag!
Hahaa, en die nieuwjaarskaarten zijn echt heel erg gaaf!
Dankjewel, Marloes! Altijd even wat werk, maar dan heb je ook wat ;)
Much as I've been wanting to have more plants at home, I have a severe black thumb—I actually managed to kill a succulent last December. This might be the inspiration I need for a new beginning!
Hahaha killing a succulent happened to me too, sometimes they just don't like water or are simply suicidal. But with trial & error I'm still learning. Hope our blog posts will inspire you to grow something this year, Deepa. Even the tiniest baby succulent or a tomato plant on the balcony?
Oh ik kijk er al met veel enthousiasme naar uit!
Onze jungle is nog volop in groei, dus dit is precies wat we nodig hebben!
Oeh spannend! Zo tegen de lente komt het allemaal gelukkig weer wat meer tot leven. En tot die tijd zijn er genoeg blogs te lezen ;) Veel plezier!
Wat leuk dat jullie dit doen. Super om al dat groen zo te zien. Niet om reclame te maken, maar ik heb laatst een plantenhanger gemaakt en de diy op mijn blog geplaatst. Misschien vinden jullie dat leuk. En anders verwijder je dit bericht maar hoor :)
Een beetje zelfpromotie mag best hoor, Karlijn! Zeker als het om groen gaat ;) Dankjewel voor de support!
Stunning colours… Feeling inspired! And I'm very intrigued by that magazine, really must see if I can get my hands on that :)
Thanks Yvonne! Oh yes, please try if you can get it (there are even some Dutch folks involved in publishing The Plant journal, so I think it should be easy). And enjoy, it's sooo good!
So many new inspiration, Judith. Great! It's so hard to narrow down the favorites. Green ideas are allover the social media!Hey, how about a small link up link where people can enter their name and link to the post. It's somehow difficult to find other peoples post.
Totally agree Ana! It's was harder than expected to find green blog posts. I remembered a few that I enjoyed, but others seem to get lost or are too hard to find. Thanks for the suggestion! Igor and I will definitely think about it as we expand our UJB project this year ;)
wow, thanks for all the links. just what I needed on a rainy day :)
Hahah you're in for a treat! There's so much inspiration (also don't forget to check the other blogger's links! woah!)! Have great rainy (?) weekend, Petra!
Bedankt voor deze inspirerende post! Ik maak regelmatig 'groene' foto's. Ze staan op mijn Instagram account
( @hipaholic ) en ik heb ze getagd met #urbanjungle. Have a look! Mocht ik iets voor je kunnen betekenen dan hoor ik het graag :)
Dankjewel voor het taggen, Anuschka! Ik zal je op de mailinglijst zetten voor volgende maand, misschien lijkt het je leuk om mee te bloggen?
Can't believe how nice to have so many new things to discover, I do not know any of these you suggest. Can't wait to have time and visit them all with a nice cup of tea. Thanks for sharing :-)
Isn't it nice to relax and enjoy all the greens everywhere? Thanks for sharing yours too!
Oh, hello, thank you for including me. What a nice surprise! I love this series and the way you have done ti this time. I am off now to discover (pin) the many other sources you are recommending! xx
Thank you Gudy! I really love the airy images of your Blooming and Growing board, it's super nice :) And yes, let's pin along!
Dear Judith,
I don't know most of your ressources so I am right off to checking them out. Guess who will do some pining this evening?
Thank you so much for being able to participate :)
Very happy you are part of our little green adventure, Corinne! I hope you'll enjoy all the green inspiration out there!
Lijkt me heel erg leuk om mee te bloggen! Ik hoor het wel van je!
Je staat op de lijst! De mini-kit komt er heeeeel binnenkort aan :)
Bedankt! Ik heb de mini-kit ontvangen! Leuke opdracht!