Urban Jungle Bloggers #36

JOELIX.com | Urban Jungle Bloggers Tropicool

The thing I like most with the Urban Jungle Bloggers topics is that they challenge me to try something new. Like with the previous New Beginnings topic where I grew even more cuttings in laboratorium glassware. And today's Tropicool topic is no exception!

JOELIX.com | Urban Jungle Bloggers Tropicool

Tropicool to me means wavy palmtrees, cocktails, tropical fruits like pineapple and watermelon, high humidity and sunshine. And maybe even bright pink inflatable flamingos 😉 I don't own anything flamingo, but I do have a comfy hammock chair, a 19th birthday gift from Robert, that I rarely used because somehow I never found the right tree. It's the perfect chair for today's tropicool nook!

JOELIX.com | Urban Jungle Bloggers Tropicool

From all the 27 rooms in our home, this is probably one of the places where I never "did something": it's the small area near our pretty staircase. I wish I could plant some leafy Philodendrons in the planter on top of the wall permanently, but they're toxic to cats… Love their aerial roots!

JOELIX.com | Urban Jungle Bloggers Tropicool

Unfortunately no one can chill in the hanging chair, because my "very stylish" construction is too fragile for anything heavier than a yellow throw:

JOELIX.com | Urban Jungle Bloggers Tropicool

I love this combination of two different Philodendrons in one Voltasol pot! The larger Philodendron is a gift from the thriftshop guy and the smaller one is a cutting I brought from Italy. It looks so cosy:

JOELIX.com | Urban Jungle Bloggers Tropicool

Did you know you can easily grow a plant from the top of a pineapple? Chop off the top and eat the fruit. Then remove the lower leaves from the top. The first time I did this I thought there were worms in between the leaves! But these are the beginnings of the roots of the new plant! 

JOELIX.com | Urban Jungle Bloggers Tropicool

Urban Jungle Bloggers is a seasonal series hosted by 2 bloggers: Igor (Happy Interior Blog) and Judith (JOELIX.com). Every month we share ideas to create an urban jungle through styling ideas, DIYs and green tips & tricks. You can find additional inspiration on our Urban Jungle Bloggers Pinterest board and keep up-to-date via Facebook or Instagram. Want to join? Find out how on our website and use #urbanjunglebloggers on twitter and instagram. Let's bring some green into our homes and blogs!

 For more Tropicool stylingscheck out the gallery!

7 thoughts on “Urban Jungle Bloggers #36

  1. Wat een heerlijk hoekje zeg! Leuk hoe je het gele thema heb doorgevoerd tot de terracotta potjes :) Jammer dat chillen in de hangstoel er niet in zit, maar ook zo is het al een plaatje om naar te kijken en dat is ook al genieten!

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