Our bathroom renovation #4

JOELIX.com | Our bathroom renovation

After 18 months of mess, I'm so happy and proud to finally show you the results of our bathroom renovation today. We have been using the new toilet room and bathroom for a bit over a month now and it's such luxury! No more thick (nearly frozen) shower gel, wet towels, make-up and bathroom accessories in other parts of the house. This is the first part, next up the bathroom with double shower.

JOELIX.com | Our bathroom renovation

One of the reasons for the 18 months of mess, is that we have done everything ourselves. New walls, new floors, new ceilings, new plumbing, new drains, new tiles, new toilet. The toilet in the previous ladies room of our factory now has a regular size and with daylight via a rectangular and two circle skylights:

JOELIX.com | Our bathroom renovation

And on the right there's a square alcove with incorporated sink and light spots:

JOELIX.com | Our bathroom renovation

And the "pieces of art" in the toilet are the ST restaurant letters. If you have been reading my blog for longer than today, you know we saved these from a local restaurant quite some years ago. They were completely cleaned, renovated and painted in a new color, blush-ish pink. Why S T? Well, there's not much space in the toilet and the letters are rather big. I would have loved S T A R or R E S T, but ST is also a sound Stttt… be silent. And they have light again:

JOELIX.com | Our bathroom renovation

Quirky detail: that dentist's denture was found in one of the cars at our neighbors' (a vehicle graveyard): someone found it and put it on the hood of a van. It looked completely ridiculous and I knew I wanted to have it. As a pleasant surprise it has the exact same color as the new ST letters, so this is its new place.

UP NEXT: the after photos of our bathroom! bathroomrenovation

If you like: previous bathroom renovation updates are here.

15 thoughts on “Our bathroom renovation #4

  1. Fantastic! You did an amazing job, Judith!! Not only that you did everything yourself, also because you survived the building chaos during 18 months!

    I won't tell you where we are in our bathroom renovation right now, in the middle of winter. Just this: There are 10m between our cottage and a construction trailer. And these 10m can get very long when it is past midnight, you are wearing a nightgown and try to find your way through the snowdrifts with a flashlight in your hand because you need to go to the toilet…

    When I see your beautiful bathroom, I get terribly envious, haha. And it is comforting to read that we aren't the only crazy people who renovate their bathroom while living on-site ;-)

    1. Hahaha Oh you are definitely not alone Juliane! These past 18 months were only a “small” part of our home renovation mess (13 years and counting), but also one of the last (for now…) big projects. I can assure you: it will be so good when you can finally use a real and warm bathroom! Good luck with your renovation, especially in the middle of the winter. Try to think of the results and do a little bit extra every day to speed up the works ;)

  2. What an AMAZING job you've done! I've already seen a peak on IG and I'm still SO in love with those renovated letters and the Dames sign is also too cool!!! Hope you've had a brilliant start to the 2016.
    Happy weekend,

    1. Thank you Mette for your kind words! Very funny you noticed the Dames sign! It's not the prettiest sign ever, but a nice reminder of what used to be. The new year has been pretty sweet so far, hope you are enjoying it too? Happy weekend to you! xx

    1. Merci Jeska! It's my favorite! It fell down the other day (fortunately it didn't break!) so I got some extra super strong tape. Hope it keeps put this time ;) xx

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