Happy Home Blog

Last week the lovely Kathrin from Happy Home Blog posted a little interview with me about our home. You can check it out here, it's both in German and English. Hope you like it :o)
Thanks for having me, Kathrin!

Read more about our home and renovation in my Vintage Sapique series.

12 thoughts on “Happy Home Blog

  1. Just read the interview. Can I come visit you? :)
    I knew you live in a big apartment, but I had no idea it is an old factory. Pretty cool. :)

    ha, and I have to type in “sapique” :)

  2. I just read the interview over at Kathrin's blog – wow! Your home is amazing, it must have been so much work. I hope you're really proud of it! I mean, like: REALLY PROUD!

    1. Merci Lena! Hahaha yes we're very proud of our home, but it has been a humbling experience… and it's not finished yet: coming up: a real bathroom! Can't wait :o)

  3. Your house is amazing Judith. Even more so because you did the work. Love the yellow living room.

    It really takes great endurance to do a project like this – congratulations. We renovated our house 3 years ago and I'm still recovering – even though we had an architect and builders to do the work.

    Thanks for sharing your personal space with us. Wishing you a wonderful week. xx

    1. Thanks Geraldine! Our house has been (and still is!) a great adventure. We took a while off from renovating but are hoping to build a true bathroom soon. Will keep you updated ;o) You too have a great after-Easter week!

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