Happy Easter Weekend!

Through this quirky couple designed by Anna Sjons Nilsson*, I would like to wish you a very happy Easter weekend! What are you up to? Eating chocolate? Going on an Easter egg hunt? Sharing time with family, friends and pets?

*Spotted at the Konsthantverkarna boutique in Stockholm.

14 thoughts on “Happy Easter Weekend!

  1. Oh I love bloglovin! I had to say that! It's so easy to keep on track on blogs I want to read. No sure why I haven't used it before. :)

    Ok that said, I wish you and your lovelies a happy Ester weekend too!
    We will be at our friends house for a dinner. They have their KitchenZoo dinner, it's a cook club and we are the new members. Yay! ;)

    Happy egg hunting!

    1. KitchenZoo sounds really cool! Have a wonderful Easter dinner and happy egg hunting as well. Since Google Reader died I'm trying both Bloglovin and Feedly. Really like Feedly's bright interface. But we'll see :o)

    1. Thanks Jill! Hahaha me too, I'm still on a sugar high. My sister made this brownie Easter egg cake, which was delicious but super rich ;o)

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