Two weeks ago I watched the excellent documentary by France5 "The secrets of the beehive". Of course it was all about bees & their hives but it also focused on the medicinal values of honey, the Royal Jelly and pollen. In the countryside beehives are dying because of the pesticides and it is said that the future of the hive lies in our cities. Rooftop beekeeping in cities is booming business as it is also a fun (and trendy) way to obtain an Ecolabel for your company's building. Anyway, I've always been intrigued by the ancient job of beekeeping. The unfortunate fact that someone close is allergic to bee stings, keeps me from becoming a beekeeper myself.
What is almost just as cool about honey are the endless options for packaging designs. Designing anything "honey" is a graphic designers dream project. Or at least for me it is. Inspiration is everywhere: the hexagonal honeycombes, the bees themselves, the flying swarms, the honey's texture and it's rich colors… One of my alltime favorite honey designs is by Ah&Oh Studio for Babees.
This is why I am so excited about this amazing new short film series called Made by Hand. Their videos celebrate the people who make things by hand: sustainably, locally, and with a love for their craft. The inaugural film, in which they visit the Breuckelen Distilling Company, is excellent. Go watch it!