Etairnity Airplants design + giveaway | Etairnity Airplants + giveaway

This summer I received a package from Etairnity with my very first airplants! You know I do have lots of cacti, agaves, succulents, palm trees and such, but somehow I never adopted any airplants. I expected them to be all tropical and difficult to take care of, but actually it's rather the opposite! Airplants, Tillandsia or Filles de l'Air in French ♥, are called like that because they gather moisture and nutrients from the air. They don't need any soil and request a minimum of water every once in a while. Perfect if you want to add some easy greens at home.

My new airplants came with 2 big wooden spheres and stainless steel wire to hang them somewhere in our home. The staircase seemed like an obvious choice as our entry hall has lots of indirect sunlight, which airplants love. | Etairnity Airplants + giveaway

The first thing to do when you receive airplants by mail, is to soak them in water for an hour and let them dry. In the mean time I assembled the stainless steel wire and the spheres. Very easy! | Etairnity Airplants + giveaway

And tadaaah! This is how they look under our staircase, a subtle green touch: | Etairnity Airplants + giveaway

For watering, you take the airplant from its wooden base and generously spray 2-3 times per week. During this summer's heatwave I soaked the airplants a few times in water to prevent them from drying out. And it worked perfectly fine! Airplants are so easy and require very little attention. Another advantage of airplants, is that you don't need to repot them or find some nice plant pots. | Etairnity Airplants + giveaway

Of course Wally was there to check out the airplants with me 😉 | Etairnity Airplants + giveaway

I'm very happy with my Tillandsia Caput-Medusa and Tillandsia Usneoidus (Spanish Moss) decoration, it's intriguing to see how they grow without any soil and very little water. And the best part: I get to give away a set of 3 cubes with airplants from Etairnity. Scroll down to read how! | Etairnity Airplants + giveaway

To win a set of 3 wooden Etairnity cubes with airplants:

Leave a comment below and tell me what's your favorite Etairnity product, and why?

For an extra chance, hop over to Igor's Happy Interior Blog, because he's giving away a set as well!

The lucky winner will be announced on September 7th. The giveaway is open for everyone worldwide: we're happy to ship around the world 🙂 Good luck!

This giveaway is now closed. selected the 50th comment as a winner. Congratulations Imke! | Etairnity Airplants + giveaway

All photos made by me, except the Etairnity cubes.

54 thoughts on “Etairnity Airplants design + giveaway

  1. I love the CUBE. It's linear minimalistic structure becomes harshly obscured by the plant inside which creates an ever changing dramatic appearance.

  2. Wat een mooie producten!
    De discs vind ik prachtig. Heel iets anders dan een gewoon vaasje.
    Ik ben pas net begonnen met bewust planten in mijn huis te zetten en ik houd wel van iets anders dan anders.


  3. I really like the sphere you chose! And the Tillandsia ionantha rubra for the pop of color…
    Gretings from Germany,

  4. Hi Judith, thank you for offering this giveaway!

    I love the spheres you have, they are my favourites! And of course your staircase is the perfect place for them, they look great there.

    The reason I love the spheres so much (apart from the fact that I simply enjoy the shape) is that my cat played with the two airplants I had until they died, and I think with a really suspended plant home that wouldn't have happened.

    The Etairnity “planters” are really great, it's a great idea to have a few different options for the plants, and I especially like the possibility of mounting the cubes and the discs to the wall! Very smart.

  5. I love this give-away! I have been looking for airplants around The Hague but haven't found any yet! I'especially love the hanging sphere, it really shows the beauty of the wood and goed well with plants I think. Tough I certainly wouldn't mind to have those cubes in my home either!

  6. Hej Judith!

    Wow, the plants looking gorgeous with your stairs! I'm a big fan of your great house. I would love the cubes with tilandsias. They are so minimalistic, i can imagine that they looking great on an empty wall!

    Oh and your little succulent is growing well :)

    Greetings, Jan

  7. Ohhh yesss! I've just left a comment on Igor blog, explaining my preference to the Sphere one, then coming here to double my chance to win the contest and your photos are all about it! Well now I'm double convinced about my choice! Finger crossed and thanks for sharing!

  8. I love the airplaints. they are beautiful, special eyecatchers. I have some since 3 weeks. curious how they are growing. still looking for a nice hanging solution. thanks for the game and double chance!

  9. Hi!
    I like your plants :) They are gorgeous and original! I really like the discs ! <3 With the Tillandsia Ionantha Green, I'm sure it would look great! :)
    Thanks for sharing <3

  10. I love the hanging spheres! They can fill in vertical spaces so nicely, and would be perfect for a space like my office, where I can't make changes to the walls.

  11. I love the Hanging Sphere! I like the combination of the different materials (wood and air-plants) as well as the combination of the structure (minimalist look and wild plants)!
    Thnaks a lot for sharing your discovery!

  12. these airplants are amazing <3 my favorite one is the hanging sphere! I love the combination of modest forms with natural materials :)
    thanks for sharing this discovery!

  13. Absolutely Love these – Perfect way to display air plants in a manhattan studio! I die for the Cubes – I think they would be perfect for a wall installation covering the wall~! I wish Etairnity shipped to the US! Thank you for the chance!

  14. Wat een gave bolletjes met planten erin. De linkse zou ik heel graag willen winnen. Ik heb nooit eerder zo'n plantje gehad.

  15. Hi! I think the airplants look so pretty in your home. My favorite item would be the round wooden container. I have a mandala tattoo on my shoulder because I like the balance/symmetry found in round objects. That round holder with a beautiful airplant would give me so much joy and peace. Thanks for sharing!

  16. I adore the Hanging Sphere with 'Head of Medusa' (Caput-Medusa). I think it looks like it just wants a hug!

  17. I love the hanging spheres with the Tillandsia Juncea plant b/c it very unique and would look great in my new house.

  18. i love the Tillandsia Bulbosa plant in the Disc wall holder. it's like a super funky twist on midcentury modern!

  19. I would like Tillandsia Usneoidus (Spanish Moss)be paired up with the Hanging Sphere just like what you did. It looks nice and funky! :)

  20. I love the discs because they are different than any containers for air plants than I've ever seen! These look so beautiful with your staircase!

  21. i like combination of Tillandsia Ionantha Rubra or Tillandsia Caput-Medusa + Cube becuse of minimalistic structure and shapes and color

  22. Tillandsia Ionantha Rubra is my favourite because I love how colourful it is! Also I like the cube holders, they are modern and nice.

  23. My favorite Etairnity product is the disc plant holders. They are great to have hanging on a wall for a small decorative piece.

  24. Great giveaway!

    I like this air plant, the pink leaves are so refreshing:

  25. My favourite are the Tillandsia Bulbosa and I like a lot the cube, the ball and the disk. In the village where I live, in the Mediterranean costa, in Spain, there are many airplants hanging from balconys or windows. People don’t water them, they survive and grow up just from the humidity in the air.
    I also do planters, I work with ceramics and I’m going to try to do a planter for an air plant. You can see my work in Instagram: @martungas

  26. I just checked out their website and I really love that Tillandsia Ionantha Rubra, which seems to be part of the giveaway! It has a beautiful red-green gradient effect.

  27. The Cube in Caput-Medusa would be my favourite! It is so minimalist in style and aesthetic, yet able to give our home a whole new look by just adding it into our home.

  28. Hi Judith, first off, I love your staircase! Such a light, airy space, I'm envious! My favourite products are the cubes and of course the plants especially Tillandsia Bulbosa. Gorgeous!

  29. The cube gives the impression of a plant escaping thru the wall and I love the outside comes inside feel of nature which I love and the Tillandsia Ionantha Rubra is so gorgeous when it comes to the colour

  30. I am really fond of their sphere planter! It looks so sleek and effortlessly stylish. I think I'm going to have to pick up one of those!

  31. I loooove the hanging sphere with the Spanish moss. I love the round shape, it looks so natural and would fit perfect into our interiour! Fingers crossed!

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