I'm not sure if it's official but it feels like the most rainy summer since a long time! And even when the sun is actually shining, it rains on my desktop! To cheer things up and to get my brains some vacation, i like having a look at the so-called vegetal design by Hervé Gambs Read article…
Architecture Now!
I'm very into architecture and interior design these days. Besides the fact i have a very inspiring home, i got very inspired by some of the next websites. Would it be possible to actually live in a small kubus like this? My Ninja shows many different architecture projects from all over the world. Absolutely worth Read article…
This is spring
Spring, or should we call it autumn started. This is real art Made of Japan Made by JOELIX
Color me beautiful
After many years I It's not that I don't love them, but i just don't like it when colors are dirty. I like colors bright and shiny, clean and crispy. I'm not such a fan of pop-art though. I appreciate its diversity. Like i appreciate the website of Jean-Charles de Castelbajac. A nice collection of Read article…
A surprising 2007
At this time of the year, when television programs are mostly looking back at the highlights of last year, I’m mostly looking forward to the new year. Filled with new fresh ideas and opportunities and of course true wishes and hope. What will 2007 bring us? After 26 New Years photos, my family and I Read article…
French touch
I'm a little surprised that I forgot to place the Exactitudes website between my favorites on my website. The Exactitudes series by Versluis and Uyttenbroek, a Dutch photographer and stylist are really great. I saw their photoseries first exposed at the Naarden Photo Festival in the Netherlands and I immediately liked them. It is about Read article…
Ice ice baby!
Over a year after the official release of March of the Penguins, I saw it last night. And then some Chinese monsters ate this blogpost and unfortunately it was lost forever. The only thing I can say, is that the March of the Penguins is a beautiful documentary with stunning images. If you haven't Read article…
I’m very VAR
The rhythm of the South of France is definately not the same as the Parisian. La ferme Capelude is very special to me and it’s for sale! Hidden in a valley of the Maures Hills, the farm is situated at 12km from Collobrières and Grimaud, on a terrain of 220000 square meters and fully equiped Read article…
It just feels good
Sometimes you stumble upon a website which is so so good. Yugop is such a website. Beautifully designed, with a very simple user interface and cute playful Flash gimmicks. I could play with these forever. And then some Chinese monster ate this blogpost. I hope they enjoyed their meal, because there is nothing left. Read article…
Dr. Katz Professional Therapist
Apart from all the junk on… *Crunch, munch, yummy…* Some Chinese monsters took a bite of this blogpost. Such a pity, but nevertheless: if you're looking for some quality television series, I warmly recommend Dr. Katz Professional Therapist, an American animated series from the late nineties. The humour is so dry and offbeat, the Read article…