A few days in Provence

Just what we needed after a rainy and busy springtime: a few days off to disconnect and indulge in sunshine in the beautiful Provence.

After a short & inexpensive flight with the most annoying security check ever, we landed in the middle of the Provence. And it immediately smelled amazing! It is the one thing I like best about Southern France: its very particular smell.

Most of my summer holidays as a teenager were spent here, so the perfumes of pinetrees, sunshine, cypresses, herbs, lavender, mistral, burning asphalt and even the touristy provencal soap shops bring back sweet memories.

The second best thing in the South is the accent in spoken language. Hearing someone talk with a Southern accent always makes the sun shine in my heart.

And of course life is slower in the Provence. A provencal proverb says "Fai pas bon travaia quand la cigalo canto" (it isn't good working when the cicades sing). In the Provence the cicades sing a lot. Even though it wasn't hot enough this week for the cigales to sing all day, people here tend to take more time to just live. So cliché but so true, don't you think?

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