Do you keep plants in your kitchen? Or maybe some fresh herb plants? Today we launch the first Urban Jungle Bloggers edition of the year: Kitchen Greens. The star in our kitchen is definitely our big Euphorbia succulent. I dressed him up for Easter and again for Xmas, but usually he's "naked" and currently accompanied by his Alocasia friend. And sometimes by Wally:
Kitchens are for food and drinks. And speaking of drinks: when in Barcelona last fall, I had some really nice bubbly water in several cafés. My eyes spotted these super nice minty bottle crates behind the bar in a restaurant. Back home I regretted that I didn't ask for one, and sent a bold message to Vichy Catalan and look what was delivered the other day:
Yummy water souvenirs from Barcelona! In a beautiful mint crate! I've been drinking delicious lemon and mint water for the past days and they are so good (and sugar free!). My idea with the mint crate, was to turn it into a plant crate. Of course Wally was there when I put it together in our cinema room:
From left to right: a pencil cactus (Euphorbia tirrucalli), an aloë vera, an Euphorbia trigona rubra, a mini Opuntia, a cactus plant (really don't know its name) and another Opuntia:
Actually I keep more plants in our kitchen. In a safe place, on the fridge, there's a home-grown palm tree and an ever growing Philodendron that I propagated from the green survivors from our greenhouse. Safe for plant-eating cats Check my Instagram to see what that looks like. Oh and if you like, Igor and I finally started our Urban Jungle Bloggers Instagram account for more planty inspiration. Tag your plant-related pictures with #urbanjunglebloggers to be featured!
Cactus peekaboo:
Urban Jungle Bloggers is a monthly series hosted by 2 bloggers: Igor (Happy Interior Blog) and Judith ( Every month we share ideas to create an urban jungle through styling ideas, DIYs and green tips & tricks. You can find additional inspiration on our Urban Jungle Bloggers Pinterest board and keep up-to-date via our Facebook page or Instagram. Want to join? Find out how on our website and use #urbanjunglebloggers on twitter and instagram. Let's bring some green into our homes and blogs!
Beautiful and lush kitchen greens, Judith! And I can see Wally enjoyed the shooting too!
Well… actually I made him do it… Usually he's not allowed on the kitchen counter top, but I tricked him with cat candy. He felt so embarrassed and sat still for one 2 seconds. But yeah: everything for a picture, he knows by now.
Awesome!!! I love your crate from Barcelona and even more your wonderful idea of decorating it with plants. Now I know what I will do next. Have a nice day… Michaela
Thanks Michaela! It's such an easy way to decorate with plants, and easy to take your plants from one place to another as well.
woah! I already knew this, but you seriously have the best plant collection. Never ceases to amaze me :)
Awww thank you Holly, that's so kind! It's getting a bit out of hands, but we do have more than enough space for them, so it's not a big problem ;) Hope you and the future baby are doing well? xx
Wow I LOVE that crate, it's so cool. Good on you for being bold and good on them for being so kind. Your plants look fantastic in it. M x
Hahaha thanks Mel! Me too, I thought it was incredibly kind from them to send me a crate and I'm really happy with it.
What a bright kitchen you have, gorgeous with all these beautiful plants, great idea to place them in this pretty cratel.
Wally looks so majestic in that second photo.
Thank you for your kind words Regina! Wally does look pretty majestic indeed! It's actually pretty strange, because he wasn't very happy as he is not allowed to sit on the counter top usually. I tricked him with cat candy but he is so well behaved, that he felt very unhappy. He sat still long enough for a picture though ;)
What a lovely 'green' kitchen, Judith! And so beautiful plants :) Love that mint crate :)
Thank you Kasia!
Love it!! The crate idea is cool and your cacti are stunning. Hope you're well x
Thank you Tina! Very well, rather busy but happy :) Hope you are too! xx
Very cool Judith. That mint crate looks so good. Do I remember that you used to have a pink one as well? ;) Wally looks like he really owns the kitchen =^x^= Oh I so relate to the whole 'plant-eating cats' situation XD
Oh you have a gooood memory Yvonne! I do have a pink Evian crate too :) Yeah Wally looks rather majestic don't you think, even though he felt unhappy because he's not allowed up there (I tricked him with cat candy). He's so well behaved that he want to go back on the floor all the time, but he sat still just long enough for a picture. Yeah cats & plants, it's an ever interesting combo… xx
Beautiful pictures, Judith!
I love your idea of plants in a water crate. I used to drink that water in my childhood.
Thank you so much Imma! So fun that you drank Vichy Catalan as a kid! I had lots of in Barcelona last fall and loved it. It's a nice souvenir from our trip :)
I love your kitchen greens but honestly i couldn't keep my eyes off Wally, what a beauty! many greetings Julia
P.S. I loved your post about the hortus in Amsterdam, i will explore this city soon and the hortus is definitely on my list <3
Awww thank you Julia! Wally is one hilarious funny cat, he's not super intelligent, but very kind and very traumatized (he bites and doesn't know how to deal with our 2 other cats). He lost one of his Dracula teeth last year and has one white mustache hair. Have a lovely trip to Amsterdam soon, Julia! I'm sure you will love the city, there's so much to see and do and nice neighborhoods to explore. Enjoy!! xx
Dear Judith,
thank you for your wishes for my Masterthesis in December! I´ve got it! :-) And now, i am again so proud, to be a little part of a wonderful Community! Have a nice Weekend! (Sorry for my english, i learn!)
Greetings Kathrin
And your Kitchen Greens are wonderful, of course! <3
i like kitchens. your cat and the greens are great <3 how old are the pecaboos? and how much time do they need to grow?